FriendasaBook.png FriendasaBookBACK.png

You're the exception

HelpfromMyFriendsCE.png HelpfromMyFriendsBACK.png

Get by with a little help from my friends

BudsCE.png BudsBACK.png

Glad we're buds

CoffeeDrinkCE.png CoffeDrinkBACK.png

Let's meet for coffee

CoffeePhaseCE.png CoffeePhaseBACK.png

Let's meet for coffee

WhineCE.png WhineBACK.png

Let's wine together

WorthWaitCE.png WorthWaitBACK.png

Worth the wait

LovebottomCE.png LoveBottomBACK.png

Love is at the bottom of everything good

ConnectCoffeeCE.png ConnectCoffeeBACK.png

Let's do coffee at Cafe Kolache

ThanksRescuingMeCE.png ThanksRescuBACK.png

Thanks for rescuing me

GoodFriendsStarsCE.png GoodFriendsStarsBACK.png

Good friends are like stars

LunchCE1.png 1ThreeWordsDefineBACK 2.png

Let's do lunch

WordFinderCE3.png 3PetalLove.png

Lost for words

HoldsUsTogetherCE.png HoldsUsTogetherBACK.png

You are the thread that holds us together

SoManySongsCE.png SoManySongsBACK.png

So many songs, so little time

KetchupCE.png KetchupBACK.png

Let's ketchup soon

ThanksLimbCE.png ThanksLimbBACK.png

Thanks for going out on a limb

NatureRightCE3.png 3PetalLove.png

Nature gets it right

OneHundredWelcomCE.png OneHundredWelcomeBACK.png

One hundred thousand welcomes

PotHeadsCE.png PotHeads.png

Few potheads saying... hi

HiCE1.png HiBACK.png


HelloCE.png HelloBACK.png


RobinCE.jpg RobinBACK.png

Hello there

ForYouMomCE.png ForYouMomBACK.png

For you
